Our Tasks

The Student Representative Council (FsR) fulfills a variety of tasks in the areas of committees, social affairs and services. Below you will find an overview. Click on one of the tasks to find out more about how the FsR is involved.


Each faculty at a university has its own faculty council. The Faculty Council is responsible for all matters relating to research and teaching in the faculty that cannot be decided by individual institutes or the Dean alone (e.g. appointing representatives to various commissions/committees such as the Evaluation Commission or the Examination Board, amending examination regulations, etc.).
The student members of the Faculty Council are elected every year at the end of the summer semester. All students of the faculty are eligible to vote, and all students can stand for election (not just members of the student council!). If you are interested in standing as a candidate, please contact us at the beginning/middle of the summer semester.
Even if the professors always have the absolute majority in the committee compared to the students and technical staff, it is important that we can put forward and discuss our interests there!

The Student Advisory Board is responsible for all matters relating to teaching and therefore the degree course, for example changes to modules or examination regulations.
The special thing about the Student Advisory Board is that students have half of all votes and can therefore contribute and implement many ideas. Although the Student Advisory Board is only an advisory body, i.e. changes to examination regulations are ultimately decided by the Faculty Council, it is taken into account whether the Student Advisory Board has approved the change.

Like the Faculty Council, the Examination Board is made up of both lecturers and students; here too, the former are in the majority.  Above all, the committee deals with "special cases", e.g. students who are about to be de-registered due to missed examinations, or if there have been irregularities in examinations, etc. In order to be able to judge such situations as fairly as possible, these cases are then discussed in detail by the members.

Tuition fees were abolished at Ruhr-Universität Bochum under the red-green state government. Instead, every university in NRW now receives compensation payments from the state, which - like the tuition fees before them - are to be used to improve teaching. To ensure that this happens, the students in the QVK have a majority of votes in order to be able to assert the students' interests - after all, we students benefit the most from good teaching. The student votes in the QVK are cast by representatives of the student council. So if you have suggestions for improving teaching that can be financed by the QVK, please contact us.

Each student council sends one or more members to the Student Council Representatives' Conference to discuss overarching issues that affect all student councils at the university. Each student council has one vote at the conference. The topics that can be introduced by the various student councils and also by initiatives are diverse. The FSVK and especially the speaker's FSVK are very committed to the student body and are always good contacts when problems arise.

Who hasn't seen them, the questionnaires that are passed around at the end of the semester in (almost) every course, on which you can mark how good you have found the lecture or seminar. The Teaching Evaluation Committee determines the criteria according to which these questionnaires are evaluated and published in the faculty and what conclusions can be drawn from them. Here, too, we students have a say!

The new trend towards junior professorships has brought this commission to life. Its task is to evaluate the junior professor and thus his/her academic and teaching activities after the first two and a half years of his/her term of office.  The committee decides whether it can be assumed that the requirements (e.g. how many papers the junior professor must publish during the entire junior professorship) can be met by the junior professor and thus whether continued employment is justified. The committee is made up of three professors from the faculty, a research assistant and a student representative.

Whenever a new professorship is advertised, students are involved in the selection process. After all, they are the ones who will benefit from good teaching afterwards. As the FsR, we cordially invite you all to take part in the selection appointments and also in the trial lectures of potential new lecturers - the more students who give their opinion, the better! Appointment procedures are announced in good time in our newsletter.

Social Issues

The Psyski Trip is the winter retreat of the Psychology Student Council. All RUB psychology students are cordially invited to enjoy the snow and sunshine on the slopes of the Alps. Whether you're a veteran skier or a complete beginner, on skis or on a snowboard, everyone is welcome! But fun is also guaranteed in the valley, whether at the après-ski or the varied evening program. Over the course of the week, everyone gets to know each other better and better and many new friendships are formed! All in all, it's a great week every year to round off the winter semester. We always have a lot of fun with you and always look forward to next year when it's time to head south again!

At the Clothes-Swap-Party, students can bring clothes they no longer wear and swap them for clothes brought by others. The idea is that items that are no longer worn find new owners and all participants can give their closet a new lease of life sustainably and at no cost.

Another highlight of the summer semester besides the campus festival is our faculty's summer party. It traditionally takes place on the HZO barbecue area. The entire faculty is invited to the summer party. Vegan sausages and grilled potatoes are served, and soft drinks and beer are available to quench your thirst. All in all, the summer party is a nice opportunity to chat with professors and fellow students in an informal faculty atmosphere and to get to know each other better.

The Psychokino takes place once or twice a semester if possible. A lecturer presents a psychological topic in a guest lecture, after which a suitable film will be shown. Topics that have already been covered include Asperger's autism, aggression and Tourette's syndrome. You are welcome to send movie suggestions to the FsR. The Psychokino usually takes place on Thursday evenings from 6 pm. The dates will be announced in good time via the newsletter and notices in the faculty. We look forward to your visit!

Once a semester, we, the FsR, invite all members of the faculty to the "Stammtisch". The regulars' table is always a good opportunity to get to know other students and, above all, lecturers in person - away from everyday university life and office hours. All members of our faculty are welcome to join us for a nice get-together in a relaxed atmosphere!

A few weeks after First-Year Students' Week, the FsR organizes the annual First-Year Students' Trip (usually a weekend in a self-catering house). This is characterized by the fact:
A lot of fun for a very reasonable price. Of course, it is usually there for the first-year students to get to know each other better, but often some "old hands" from the higher semesters also come along.


The FsR also offers advice. Frequent inquiries relate to pre-study orientation, orientation during studies, a possible lateral entry or a change of study location (you can also find more information on these topics in the FAQs on this page). But no matter where the shoe pinches - the FsR is always a good first point of contact and we are happy to help and advise on problems or suggestions.

The FsR regularly organizes the therapist fair together with the therapeutic training institutes, which is of particular (but certainly not only) interest to Master's students. The training institutes come to the faculty for a few hours, set up stands and provide information. There is a wide range of therapeutic orientations represented.

All students can vote once a semester. Who gets The Golden Neuron, The Golden Cerebellum and The Golden Cerebrum? Who scored particularly well with humor? Who gained the most knowledge? With these and other categories, together with the 3 main prizes, we want to honor the good teaching at our faculty and celebrate it at an awards ceremony.